Art and culture
Image d'un panneau explicatif

The "Wee bass du?" photography exhibition was unveiled on Tuesday, 18 June 2024 in Place de Strasbourg, in the presence of the College of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Luxembourg and photographer Jessica Theis.

The exhibition designed by photographer Jessica Theis is one element of the eponymous audio-photographic project that is part of the Œuvre Grande-Duchesse Charlotte's "Cliché – société en migration" call for projects aiming to raise public awareness of questions of identity and otherness within our multicultural society by connecting artistic activities to societal issues.

Giving a voice to people with disabilities

Having worked as an educator and instructor in various sheltered workshops and recreation facilities, the photographer has always sensed a level of unease or discomfort from some people when they come into contact with people with mental disabilities. These people often face prejudice or are treated differently. With this in mind, Jessica Theis decided to use her art to improve this relationship, aiming to facilitate an initial connection by giving a voice to people with disabilities.

"Wee bass du?"

The artist recorded 25 people during a photo shoot, always asking them the same question, "Wee bass du?" (Who are you?), followed by other questions such as "Wéi wéilts du dass d'Leit dech gesinn?" (How would you like people to see you?) or "Wat sinn deng Dreem?" (What are your dreams?).