
The curbside collection of residual waste (grey bins), organic waste (brown bins), paper/cardboard (blue bins) and glass (green bins) is carried out once a week. Blue Valorlux bags are collected every two weeks.


To facilitate the waste collection process, please

  • put your bins out on the pavement after 18:00 the day before collection. Waste is collected between 6:00 and 14:00.
  • take containers back in as soon as the rubbish truck has passed, unless you have asked for your containers to be cleaned (this must be requested in advance).
  • be careful not to hinder passers-by.
  • shut the container lids properly so that your bins can be emptied without issue.

If found to contain unauthorised items, containers will not be emptied.

Complaints and notifications can be made before midday on working days by calling us at 4796-3640.

Containers: sizes, pricing and how to order

Bins and containers for all types of waste, charge for main regular collection








40 480 480 420 - 10 - -
60 950 480 550 150 - - -
80 950 480 550 200 - - -
120 950 505 560 300 30 30 30
240 1,085 585 735 600 60 60 60
660 1,230 1,370 780 1,650 165 165 -
770 1,370 1,370 780 1,925 192.50 - -
1,100 1,480 1,370 1,090* 2,750 275 275 -

* An additional 200 mm must be added for the domed lid on 1,100-litre containers.

Additional collections

A maximum of 5 extra collections can be ordered per week (Monday to Saturday). It is not possible to change your regular collection day. Requests can be made by individual tenants.




40 - 11 - -
60 165 - - -
80 220 - - -
120 330 33 33 33
240 660 66 66 66
660 1,815 184.50 184.50 -
770 2,117.50 211.75 - -
1,100 3,025 302.50 302.50 -
Maximum number
of additional
5 4 2 2


Assisted collection

You can pay the Service Hygiène (Sanitation Department) to take out your full bins and bring them in once they have been emptied. This service incurs an annual charge per bin (or per container) in addition to the collection charge.

Cleaning containers

You can ask to have your containers cleaned, subject to a separate charge per container. Cleaning is done on collection days. Leave your container on the pavement after collection and a team from the Service Hygiène will come to clean it on the spot.


40, 60, 80, 120, 240 165 181.50
660, 770, 1100 493 542.30


VdL bin bags

Only white bin bags marked "Ville de Luxembourg / Sac-poubelle" will be collected as part of the weekly grey bin collections of mixed residual waste. These bags must be put out onto the pavement before 6:00 and are solely for one-off collections of excess refuse that will not fit into your full container. Please be careful not to hinder passers-by. These VdL bin bags are not to be used for recyclable waste or sharps. Our assisted collection service is not available for these bags.

VdL bin bags cost €5.


Blue Valorlux bags are collected every two weeks.

Residents can pick up blue Valorlux bags for free from seven distribution points across the city, with a limit of two rolls per person.

If you need more than two rolls, or need bigger bags, please contact Valorlux directly.

Types of waste

Talking trash: what goes where

Not sure what bin to use? Need help figuring out where to put something specific?
Check out our guide: Recycling A to Z.

the department

Contact details

48, route d'Arlon
L-1140 Luxembourg

Opening hours


from 8:00 to 16:00