Set a date

To set a date for the collection of bulky waste, please get in touch with our Service Hygiène (Sanitation Department) by phone or email (contact details below).


The charges for the on-request collection service for bulky waste include the provision of a suitable removal vehicle and the personnel needed to operate it.

Type of waste Price

Commercial waste (bulky waste only; the collection of mixed residual waste and recyclable materials must be ordered separately)

€60 per quarter of an hour worked, or part thereof + processing/incineration fees

Removal of loose glass, paper and cardboard

€43 per quarter of an hour worked or part thereof


Types of waste

Talking trash: what goes where

Not sure what bin to use? Need help figuring out where to put something specific?
Check out our guide: Recycling A to Z.

the department

Contact details

48, route d'Arlon
L-1140 Luxembourg

Opening hours


from 8:00 to 16:00