Participation in the neighbourhood consultation

The City of Luxembourg is the publisher and host of the questionnaire to which you are about to respond. The City is committed to protecting your data – in particular, your personal data collected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We only collect those personal data that are strictly necessary. The main purpose of processing your data is to enable you to take part in an online consultation and express your opinion. The responses received will be analysed to produce a report for public presentation and to initiate a dialogue. The City does not use automated data processing and will never use your personal data for marketing purposes.

Participation in the neighbourhood consultation is free and open to anyone over 18. Participation is limited to one response form per participant. You acknowledge that the information and data you provide by participating in the survey will be stored on computer media and on websites managed by the City. The data recipients are City staff members. We recommend that you do not enter any personal details (name, telephone number, email address, etc.) in the fields provided for your comments. The City of Luxembourg, in its capacity as a municipal administration with a duty of transparency, may be asked to share data from the questionnaire, because it has a legal obligation to do so, following a court ruling or administrative decision, or at the request of an administrative authority such as the Commission d'accès aux documents (Commission on Access to Documents). The City of Luxembourg uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure data security. For example, access to the registration form is provided via a secured networking protocol (https). The data provided in the form will only be kept for as long as is necessary to achieve the stated purposes. The data will be kept in summarised and analytical form for a maximum of a year following the end of the online consultation.

This notice is intended to improve access to information and should simplify certain aspects. For further information on how to exercise your data protection rights under the GDPR, please visit:

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