Art and culture
Image du mur finalisé avec le Neverending Pattern

On Wednsday, 19 June 2024, the participatory art piece, "The Neverending Pattern", which adorns an equipment building located at the foot of Montée de Clausen, was unveiled in the presence of the City of Luxembourg's College of the Mayor and Aldermen, representatives from luca – Luxembourg Center for Architecture, and the designer, Lucie Majerus.

Inspired by Greek tradition

Drawing inspiration from the ancient Greek tradition of ceramics and the "exquisite corpse" technique popularised by surrealist artists, artist Lucie Majerus wanted to connect people and show these connections in a collaborative work of art. For the project, the City invited creatives and artists at heart to participate in weekly workshops at the luca – Luxembourg Center for Architecture, where everyone was allowed to draw part of a never-ending pattern on white ceramic tiles, starting where the last person left off, and giving free rein to their imaginations on the theme of "Water".

A co-created work of art

Workshops were also held in collaboration with the City's Service Seniors (Department of Senior Services) at Konviktsgaart and with pupils at the Clausen elementary school. The co-created artwork is made up of more than 1,800 ceramic tiles, with each tile occupying a specific place in the work by virtue of its continuity with the adjacent pieces.

"The Neverending Pattern" can be seen on Montée de Clausen, near the "Clausener Bréck" bus stop.