Overall coordination (once per year)

Every year, the Service Coordination des chantiers – SERCO (Work Site Coordination Department) leads the multi-year scheduling meeting, which sets a coordinated schedule for the work sites planned for the next four years.

All the City's technical departments and managers of the electricity, gas and telecommunications distribution systems report on where they need to take action. These needs may emerge from a recent inspection of the condition of the existing utilities, a change in technology or legislation, or the need to enhance a system in anticipation of Luxembourg City's growth. This information is shared among all our departments, which then decide whether it makes sense for them to take part in the projects arising from these needs.

The turnaround times are set together based on

  • the level of urgency
  • the scope of a new coordinated project
  • the participants in a new coordinated project
  • the mobility constraints determined in close cooperation with the Service Circulation (Traffic Department).

The coordinated projects identified in previous years are also reviewed in terms of turnaround times, and deadlines may be moved up or back based on changes in the various priority constraints or mobility constraints.

This plan includes only utility works and roadworks that are foreseeable and can therefore be scheduled, take place in the public domain, and will involve more than one technical department. Private work sites, emergencies (e.g. gas leak or burst pipes) and public projects involving only one technical department or involving other authorities as the works owner are not included in this schedule.

Local coordination (for each work site)

Local coordination consists of

  • incorporating the various individual projects for a place into a single, consolidated coordinated project;
  • opening the project to public tenders; and
  • consequently coordinating the execution of the work.

While this work is being performed, SERCO coordinates the technical departments, the contractor and the general public. Likewise, this department draws up the quantity surveys that quantify the work done and serve as the basis for the contractor's invoicing of the works owner.

SERCO also maintains and updates the City's standardised contract clauses and price schedules (catalogue of different services requested of a contractor) and other administrative documents (standardised letters, etc.).