The IAM account offers primary school children access to a host of IT resources provided by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse), as  well as the mybooks application (http://app.mybooks.lu).


OLI.EDUCATION.LU is a one-stop website dedicated to learning languages, mathematics, computing and science, while also fostering children's creativity and resourcefulness. The site also offers a range of online courses, with all the resources needed to make learning easy.


BEE SECURE is a joint initiative of the Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade, the Ministry for Family Affairs and Integration and the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training. The initiative encompasses joint actions undertaken by these partners to raise awareness of the importance of adopting good security and safety habits when using new information and communication technologies.

The BEE SECURE project is also partially funded by the European Commission, and serves as Luxembourg's awareness centre within the pan-European network, Insafe.


kids.ecoles.technolink.lu is a website that caters to children between the ages of 3 and 6 – i.e. in Cycle 1 of the primary education system.

This site seeks to stimulate users' spontaneity and creativity through entertaining, educational content that is perfectly in keeping with the educational objectives of the Luxembourg curriculum. 

The drawings on the site were contributed by primary school children across the City of Luxembourg and the Technolink graphics department. 


EFFRANCAIS.LU was designed to spark the desire to learn French among Cycle 2 school children by adopting a fun approach, with a focus on action and interaction.


Deutsch Interaktiv

Deutsch Interaktiv is a free, online platform for learning the German language (levels A1 to B1 in the Common European Framework of Reference).

The audio and video material on the site is designed to promote oral and written comprehension. A host of resources including exercises, interactive tests, worksheets, a dictionary with more than 7,000 words and pronunciation aids are provided to facilitate learning.


Kulturgeschicht is a Luxembourgish language platform dedicated to Luxembourg's history and culture.

The site deals with "culture" in the broadest sense of the word, and includes Luxembourg's history, literature, art and music, as well as other topics such as the country's social institutions. "Culture" also includes a society's collective attitudes.


The website science.lu can be viewed in French or German, and provides children with the opportunity to unleash their scientific curiosity and creativity through a series of experiments.

LOD – Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire

The LOD is a free, online Luxembourgish dictionary with very extensive coverage.

Users can search for words in German, French, English and Portuguese and see their translations in Luxembourgish. The site even displays several expressions using the Luxembourgish word in different contexts, along with a short explanation.