Dog areas

Luxembourg City provides grassy areas just for dogs. These are cleaned regularly.

These dog areas can be found on:

  • Rue Charlemagne (Belair – Schéiwisschen),
  • Rue J. Bertholet (Belair – Sacré Coeur),
  • Rue Paul Medinger (Bonnevoie – Kaltreis),
  • Boulevard Jules Fischer (Bonnevoie – Kaltreis),
  • Boulevard Kaltreis (Bonnevoie – Kaltreis Park),
  • Boulevard du Général Patton (Bonnevoie – Verlorenkost),
  • Place Ste. Cunégonde (Clausen – Clausen Church),
  • Boulevard Salentiny (Cents – CTF),
  • Rue Auguste Trémont (Cents),
  • Rue des Prunelles (Cessange Cloche d'Or – Park),
  • Rue Laurent Ménager (Eich – Laval Park),
  • Rue d’Anvers (Gare district),
  • Rue Jean-Gaspard de Cicignon (Gasperich – Jardin Anglais),
  • Avenue de la Faïencerie (Limpertsberg – Tony Neuman Park),
  • Boulevard Pierre Dupong (Merl – Merl Park),
  • Rue Emile Metz (Muhlenbach – Gëllene Grëff).
Dog parks

View the interactive map at

Open map

Dog poo bags

Remove dog poo discreetly using paper or plastic bags and dispose of it in one of the city's 3,500 public bins.

Plastic bags can be obtained for free from 400 distribution points throughout the city, and are also available at:

Luxembourg City Hall
42, Place Guillaume II / L-2090 Luxembourg
Open Monday to Friday 8:00–12:00 and 13:30–17:00

44, Place Guillaume II / 2, Rue Notre-Dame / L-2090 Luxembourg
Open Monday to Friday 8:00–17:00

"Badanstalt" municipal pool
12, Rue des Bains / L-1212 Luxembourg
Closed on Mondays
Open Tuesday to Friday 8:00–20:30
Saturdays 8:30–19:00, and Sundays 8:00–11:00

Rocade de Bonnevoie building
1-3, Rue du Laboratoire / L-1911 Luxembourg
Open Monday to Friday 7:00–17:00

Bonnevoie municipal pool
30, Rue Sigismond / L-2537 Luxembourg
Closed on Wednesdays
Open Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays 8:00–19:00
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00–19:00

Service Hygiène
48, Route d'Arlon / L-1140 Luxembourg
enter via Rue du Stade
Open Monday to Friday 8:00–16:00

Recycling Center (Service Hygiène)
48, Route d'Arlon / L-1140 Luxembourg
Entrance via Rue du Stade
Open Monday to Friday 7:00–19:30,
Saturday 8:30–18:00

Because of the potential danger of spreading disease, poo must be wrapped up and disposed of in household waste bins.

It cannot be composted.

Please note that you are legally obliged to clean up after your dog. According to article 9 of the Luxembourg City general regulations on public order and safety, dog owners and walkers must prevent them from soiling the pavements, roads and squares that are part of a residential area or a pedestrian zone, playgrounds, play spaces or public green areas.

Keeping the city clean

When you walk your dog,

  • avoid playgrounds, grassy areas in parks, pedestrian areas and school grounds;
  • try to choose locations that are a bit out of the way for pedestrians;
  • prevent your dog from relieving itself on pavements, walkways and cycle paths, in front of entrances and near car doors.

In addition to being a smelly nuisance, dog faeces are a health hazard. They can contain parasites and contagious diseases.