Project description

On Thursday, 22 August 2019, François Bausch (Minister of Mobility and Public Works) and Lydie Polfer (Mayor of Luxembourg City), along with representatives from the Public Buildings Administration and the National Roads Administration, presented the Boulevard F.D. Roosevelt and Place de la Constitution development project.

Place de la Constitution

The City and the Government of Luxembourg are to undertake a joint project to develop Place de la Constitution and its environs, creating a pleasant, multi-purpose pedestrianised zone. The site will include a tourist information centre, a shop and refreshments area, and an entry point to the casemates.

The project also includes installation of an elevator to access the Pétrusse Valley from Place de la Constitution.

The competition to select the architects, urban planners and landscapers was set for October 2019.

Boulevard F.D. Roosevelt

Works in Boulevard F.D. Roosevelt began on 22 July 2019. New bus and bicycle lanes will be opened in November 2019.

The project seeks to improve the existing situation on two levels: firstly, for public transport, which will have priority in both directions on Boulevard F.D. Roosevelt; and secondly, for cyclists and pedestrians moving between the train station and the city centre. The improvements entail the opening of a new bus lane to Place de la Constitution, which will mean redeveloping the bus stop area in front of the cathedral. A new two-way bicycle lane will also be opened. All new installations – bus stops, bicycle lanes and pedestrian lanes – will be accessible to persons with reduced mobility. Any trees that need to be removed for the purpose of the works will be replanted in accordance with a pre-approved landscaping design.