Playground in Merl Park
Merl: Presentation of the plans for a modern, multi-use playgound with a wide range of options for play, exploration, and relaxation.

Luxembourg City Cinémathèque
Ville Haute: The Luxembourg City Cinémathèque is preparing to skip to a new chapter. An ambitious four-year renovation project will see the cultural venue moder…

PAP Kiem
Kirchberg: New rest, multi-purpose and playground areas in Kirchberg.

Bike and pedestrian bridge connecting the Cents, Neudorf and Weimershof districts
Cents: Description of the new bike and pedestrian bridge connecting the Cents Plateau and the Kirchberg Plateau.

Place de la Constitution and Boulevard F.D. Roosevelt
Ville Haute: The City and the Government of Luxembourg are to undertake a joint project to develop Place de la Constitution and its environs, creating a pleasan…

"Nei Hollerich" neighbourhood
Hollerich: The "Nei Hollerich" development project will create an entirely new neighbourhood for 4,500 residents and 5,000 jobs, with the construction of mixed-…

Place de l’Étoile
Ville-Haute: The urban development concept for Place de l'Étoile, a three-hectare site located close to the city centre.

Wunnquartier Stade
Belair: Urban planning competition for the development of the site currently occupied by the Josy Barthel Stadium, and surrounding areas along Route d'Arlon.