Composition and remit

The school commission is a political body set up by the municipal council of each municipality. It includes representatives from different political parties (where relevant) as well as representatives of the teaching staff and parents. It is chaired by the mayor, who often delegates this role to the alderman responsible for educational matters.
The composition of the municipal school commission is governed by the Law of 6 February 2009 organising primary education (loi du 6 février 2009 portant organisation de l'enseignement fondamental), Articles 50 to 52 (only in FR).

The school commission meets at least once per trimester, in accordance with the provisions of the Grand Ducal Regulation of 28 May 2009 (Règlement grand-ducal du 28 mai 2009) (only in FR), and may address any topics relating to school, discuss them and issue recommendations within the scope of their authority. It acts as the bridge between parents and political representatives.



  • Lydie Polfer, Mayor-Chair

Members appointed by the municipal council

  • Paul Galles, alderman
  • Christa Brömmel, member of the municipal council
  • Ana Correia Da Veiga, member of the municipal council
  • Pascale Krombach, appointed by the municipal council
  • Colette Mart, member of the municipal council
  • Melanie Troian, appointed by the municipal council 
  • David Laroche, appointed by the municipal council 
  • Max Stoffel, appointed by the municipal council 

School staff representatives serving on the school commission

  • Gilles Bley, school staff representative
  • Alain Jung, school staff representative
  • Sonia Pimenta Ferreira, school staff representative
  • Romain Rassel, school staff representative

Parent representatives serving on the school commission

  • Jean-Marc Cloos, parent representative
  • Nabila Fiouane, parent representative
  • Carlos Paulos, parent representative
  • Michel Zimer, parent representative


Honoré Gregorius - Tel.: 4796-2955;

Permanent non-voting members

  • Björn Poels, municipal administration (Service Foyers scolaires)
  • Françoise Welbes, regional director