Luxembourg City, as a municipality, is responsible for organising primary school education (Cycles 1-4) for its residents. It is responsible for monitoring compliance with compulsory school attendance, and for providing facilities that are conducive to delivering a high-quality education to pupils. To that end, the City of Luxembourg administers 19 schools occupying 49 buildings attended by some 5,000 students each year.
At local level, the municipal school commission (a consulting body of the municipal council) provides the framework for partnership between school authorities, school staff and parents.
The Luxembourg State guarantees every child an education that is:
- optional for children three years of age;
- compulsory for all children reaching four years of age before the 1st of September of that year;
- compulsory for a period of 12 consecutive years (in principle until the age of 16).
Public primary education is free, and the school books required by the official syllabus are provided to pupils at no cost.
More information on Luxembourg City's schools: Schools

Discover nature with all your senses at Haus vun der Natur, the nature centre in Kockelscheuer offering activities organised as part of the curriculum for Luxem…

Back to school: going green
Think green: a few tips for making going to school more eco-friendly

Beien an der Stad
A fun 13-station trail that teaches visitors all about the world of bees as they take a tour of the capital (+/-2.5 km).

Information and sign-up details for walking bus ("Pedibus") chaperones.
Chaperones for children on school buses
Information and sign-up details for chaperones to accompany children on school buses.

Enrolling your child in school
Every child who reaches the age of 4 by 1 September must begin attending school that same year. Municipal schools are free of charge for children who live in Lu…

How it works and registration
Following fixed routes, the Walking Bus ("Pedibus") operates across the city and collects children from set stops. To use this service, you must sign up.

Luxembourg City schools
Luxembourg City has 19 elementary schools, which provide a high-quality public education to children aged 4 to 12 (Cycles 1 to 4).

Overview of activities
The activities centre on the forest, nature, life on the farm, gardening, and sustainable development. Whenever possible, they are held outside in order to give…

Parenting School

Promoting children's health
Health-related activities and initiatives aim to encourage children and their families to make healthier choices in terms of diet and daily activities.

Recommendations for parents
What should I do if my child is ill? Protect your child by getting them vaccinated, Getting enough exercise is important, Oral hygiene, Head lice, Multilinguali…

Registration and practical information
Information for children in Cycles 1 through 4 on registration, class schedules, guided study, school catchment areas and school trips.

School catchment areas
School catchment areas have been established so that children are assigned to schools located in their neighbourhood.

School commission
Every municipality in the Grand Duchy is required by law to establish a school commission.

School holidays and breaks
The 2023/2024 school year begins on Friday, 15 September 2023 and ends on Monday, 15 July 2024.

Taking account of children's and parents' needs
Schools, childcare centres and crèches are places that provide guidance and direction to parents as well as their children.

The nature centre
Located in the countryside outside the city, the "activités-nature" programme welcomes groups from the city's primary schools to the nature centre in Kockelsche…

Walking Bus
Let's work together to ease traffic and minimise the number of cars around schools! The Walking Bus delivers children to their schools under the supervision of …

Walking Bus FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions: How are Walking Bus routes planned and organised? Do I need to register my child for every day of the week? Does the Walk…