
The Eiffes family plot is the only one of its kind in Luxembourg City. The City took over the deed in 2010. The monument is an enormous cross in the form of a tree of life, rising up over a cluster of felled trees. It clearly represents the triumph of life over death. The ribbon bearing the family name, draped over the top of the cross, is meant to show that this victory has been won by the Eiffes family. The grave, in the Art Nouveau style, was erected in 1904 to commemorate Émile Eiffes (1823–1904), a retired sergeant major from the Corps des Chasseurs luxembourgeois (Luxembourg light infantry corps). He chaired the Association des anciens sous-officiers du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (Association of Former Sub-officers of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) and was awarded the Order of the Oak Crown and the Military Cross. He and his wife, Marie Gross (1830–1909), had three children: Joseph (1856–1943), Jean-Baptiste (1865-1935) and Marie-Louise (1872–1934). Joseph Eiffes served as supervisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministère des Affaires Étrangères) and was later promoted to the post of government advisor.

In 1905, he was awarded the Prussian Order of the Red Eagle. Joseph Eiffes' son, Pierre (1895-1956), joined the Foreign Legion as a volunteer and served as a liaison officer during the combat missions of 26 April, 7 May and 30 May 1918. After returning to Luxembourg, he joined civilian life. He married Marie-Susanne Schaeffer in 1925. Pierre Eiffes earned renown as chair of the Limpertsberg municipal band: a position he held for over 25 years. The artist Michel Haagen (1893–1943) created the palm leaf affixed to the shaft of the cross. It was placed there in honour of Joseph Eiffes. Haagen, one of Luxembourg's most prominent artists, went on to produce the wrought iron ornamentation for the Luxembourg pavilion at the 1937 Paris Universal Exhibition. The monument was crafted by J. P. Meyer (1864–1917) – a Luxembourg sculptor trained at the Écoles des Beaux Arts (Schools of Fine Arts) in Dijon and Nancy. He had a business in Luxembourg-Gare selling burial monuments.