The Direction Ressources humaines (Human Resources Directorate) is in charge of managing Luxembourg City personnel. Its main activities are as follows:

Personnel administration

  • data recording, monitoring and checking for City personnel;
  • management of wages and salaries; ​
  • application of legal and regulatory provisions relating to personnel;
  • work time management; and
  • management of career brackets and promotions.

Development of human potential ​

  • recruitment management (internal and external);
  • management of changes and promotions;
  • management of education: identification of needs, preparation of training plans, implementation of training programmes and evaluation of results, establishment of learning accounts; and
  • recruitment and educational follow-up.

Prevention, health and diversity

  • prevention of psychosocial issues and occupational illnesses;
  • organisation of medical exams (recruitment and periodic testing);
  • monitoring of occupational strengths and weaknesses, internal reclassification; and
  • monitoring diversity at work and taking action to improve it.

The DRH also acts as a partner for the municipal departments on a whole series of initiatives, projects, and human resources problems.