The Service Eaux (Water Department) is tasked with establishing, operating, and maintaining drinking water supply infrastructures, and overseeing the quality of the water distributed.

Guaranteeing an uninterrupted supply of quality drinking water requires the regular maintenance of water reservoirs and pipes, gradual replacement of pipes and expansion of the water distribution system.

Checking the water quality in your home
View the test results for drinking water quality at your home address, and read our general recommendations

Drinking water
A precious and vital resource

From spring to tap
A precious and vital resource.

Luxembourg City springs
Spring water collection systems operated by the City of Luxembourg

Save water
15 ways to save water at home
Utility markouts
When carrying out construction work on public or private property, contractors must beware of any public utility cables and pipes that might be located on-site.

Water supply connection
Procedures and forms for new connections and for the removal, disconnection, transfer, change or replacement of an existing connection, and for the lease of sta…

Water: connecting your home
Turning on, turning off, pricing and water meter for drinking water.