All Together

This concert is being held to mark the 15th anniversary of the Fondation EME. Focusing on the theme "All Together", 10 inclusive choirs were created across the country and will bring together more than 300 singers for this event.

The experience promises to be participatory and inclusive as singers will be performing both onstage and among the audience. Lyrics will be projected onto a large screen, so everyone will be able to sing along.

People with special needs

For people with special needs: A sign language interpreter will be onstage, and vibrating vests will be available for people who are hard of hearing so they can fully enjoy the concert.

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie will be in attendance as the guests of honour.

Fondation EME

The Fondation EME hosts wide range of projects that have a major social and cultural impact for their participants.

Behind the Fondation EME is a team of dedicated people who undertake musical projects – including concerts and musical activities – with a view to improving the daily lives of the elderly, ill, and socially disadvantaged, as well as people with special needs.