
The aim of the project is to help young people (aged 12 to 26) find out more about Luxembourg City through tours of various unusual attractions.

To join one of these tours, please contact the City's Service Jeunesse (Youth Department) to sign up. Tour groups will be formed on a first-come, first-served basis. Tours are scheduled every 4 to 6 weeks and are completely free of charge.

The tours generally take place on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, but a certain degree of flexibility is required, as days and times may change depending on the type of activities planned, as well as the availability and requirements of the sites.

Tour length varies between 1 and 2.5 hours. The duration of each tour will be communicated in advance.


Below are the details of the upcoming tours:

Venue(s) Dates Times
Police station 27 March 2025 16:00–17:30
CFL – Service and Maintenance Centre 24 April 2025 14:00
Fort Berlaimont and Fort Royal 13 May 2025 16:00–18:00


All tours are conducted in the presence of City of Luxembourg Service Jeunesse staff, under the supervision and guidance of someone from the institution or place where the tour is taking place.

If you wish to join one of these tours, please sign up with the City of Luxembourg's Service Jeunesse et intervention sociale (Youth and Social Intervention Department). Please note that there are a limited number of places available for each tour.

To take part in one of the activities, send an email to .

As places are limited, requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

If your registration is successful, you will be sent a confirmation email.

For further information, please contact Anouk Kopriwa, who will answer any queries you may have about the organisation of the tours and how to take part.

Anouk Kopriwa
Ville de Luxembourg, Service Jeunesse
28, Place Guillaume II, L-2090 Luxembourg
Tel.: 4796-2721
Fax: 26203260

Examples of tour sites

Most of the tour sites are well-known, but are usually closed to the general public. The tours provide a unique opportunity for participants to discover what goes on behind the scenes.

Below are a few examples:

  • Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the main features of our cityscape. We've all heard the cathedral's bells, but how many have climbed the stairs of the bell tower and actually touched them?
  • The Kockelscheuer Ice Rink: Everyone has been there at least once, but do you know how the ice is made?
  • The Mühlenbach caves: Who is brave enough to enter these 50,000-year-old caves? Accompanied by an experienced guide from the Luxembourg Caving Group, participants will discover the deepest, darkest secrets of this small but impressive series of caverns.