Place des Rotondes
L-2448 Luxembourg
Loscht Leit aus Ärer Noperschaft kennenzeléieren?
Loscht bei engem Patt an d’Gespréich ze kommen?
Kommt op eisen Afterwork mat Leit aus de Quartieren Gare a Bouneweg!
Net néideg Iech unzemellen. Kommt einfach laanscht mat der Loscht nei Leit kennenzeléieren a fräi ze diskutéieren, am Respekt vu jidderengem. All Participant kritt een alkoholfräit Gedrénks offréiert.
Looking to get together with your neighbours?
Looking to meet people from your neighbourhood?
Fancy a drink and a chat?
Don’t miss the afterwork event organised for the inhabitants of the Gare and Bonnevoie districts by the Ensemble Gare-Bonnevoie Inter-Actions!
No need to register, just come with the desire to meet new people and chat freely and respectfully. A non-alcoholic drink is offered to all participants.
- Organizer / Collaboration: Organized by Ensemble Gare-Bonnevoie Inter-Actions a.s.b.l.
- Location: Buvette
- Additional information: More info:
- by phone at 352 621 743 226
- per email at ensemblegarebonnevoie@inter-actions.lu
- in the Facebook event . - Links:
Dates and times