
from 31.07 at 18:00
to 28.08 at 19:00 - 2024


Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
Park Dräi Eechelen
L-1499 Luxembourg

In collaboration with not-for-profit: Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen


Free admission

Booking required:

t 352 453785-531

The Early Evenings sessions are back! Join us on our monthly visit to the museum! We explore the latest exhibitions, share ideas and get to know each other thanks to the Actionbound app.

In collaboration with “Mir wëllen iech Ons Heemecht weisen asbl“ (we want to show you our heritage): a Luxembourgish grassroots NGO that fosters intercultural dialogue between local residents and refugees.

Dates and times

Mercredi 2024
31.07 de 18:00 à 19:00
28.08 de 18:00 à 19:00