
on 20.07.2024 from 10:45 to 19:00


Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain
rue Notre-Dame
L-2240 Luxembourg

In the footsteps of Raphaela Vogel

The exhibition International Comparison by the artist Raphaela Vogel at CAC – la synagogue de Delme and her participation in the group exhibition My Last Will at Casino Luxembourg provide an opportunity to forge links between two neighbouring venues devoted to contemporary art. Through the work of Raphaela Vogel, questions of memory and heritage will be the common thread running through the visits by Katharina Stütze (mediator, Casino Luxembourg) and Camille Grasser (in charge of visitors and reception, CAC – la synagogue de Delme).


9:30 Meeting point rue d'Austrasie, Metz (station area) - Keolis bus

9:45 Departure from Metz to Casino du Luxembourg

10:45 - 12:15 Tour of the My Last Will exhibition

12:15 Packed lunch 

13:30 Departure from Casino to CAC – la synagogue de Delme

15:00 - 16.30 Tour of the International Comparison exhibition by Raphaela Vogel

16:30 - 17:00 Seasonal snack on site 

17:00 Departure from Delme 

17:45 Intermediate stop in Metz, rue d'Austrasie

19:00 Arrival at Casino Luxembourg

Photo: © CAC – la synagogue de Delme

Dates and times

Samedi 2024
20.07 de 10:45 à 19:00