
from 07.10 at 19:00
to 20.10 at 19:00 - 2024


Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
Park Dräi Eechelen
L-1499 Luxembourg

On the occasion of: Mental Health Week in Luxembourg

Free. Duration: 1h.

For small groups (5-15 people). Subject to availability.

To register:

t 352 453785-531

Offer yourselves a moment of calm and creativity.


In the framework of Mental Health Week, we invite you to discover an ideal activity for improving your mental well-being, whether in a group, between friends or with family. No artistic training or knowledge necessary, all you need is a little curiosity and the desire to reconnect with yourself. During this session, we’ll show you how simple drawing exercises can help you reduce stress and improve your concentration.


Book your session now!

Dates and times

Lundi 2024
07.10 à 19:00 au 20.10