
from 09.08 at 14:00
to 06.09 at 14:00 - 2024


Villa Vauban - Musée d'Art de la Ville de Luxembourg
Avenue Emile Reuter
L-2420 Luxembourg
The world of colours is very varied. During this workshop, the children will ask themselves the following questions: what are colours? What colours exist? They then sketch a design of their choice and choose a primary colour with which to paint the design. The chosen colour is then mixed with white and black, creating a whole palette of colours. By creating many different shades of colour, children understand that there is much more to a colour than meets the eye.

Audience: from 6 years on

Photo: © Rachel Gillen

Dates and times

Vendredi 2024
09.08 à 14:00
30.08 à 14:00
06.09 à 14:00