Open session

1. Municipal councillors' questions.

2. Traffic: permanent amendments to the traffic regulations – confirmation of temporary regulations – decision.

3. Education: definitive school organisation for 2023/2024: assignment of teaching staff and educators – surveillance schedule – amendments.

4. Agreements: – approval.

5. Work estimate – approval.

  • Project for the construction of a wastewater drain connecting the pumping station in Pulvermühl and the Beggen water treatment plant
  • Construction of a cycle path between Bisserwee and Kraus Eck
  • Roadworks on Rue Paul Albrecht, Rue Paul Wilwertz and Rue Auguste Tremont in Cents
  • Roadworks on Montée de Dommeldange
  • Amended cost estimate – Roadworks on Rue Marguerite-Séraphine Beving, Rue Xavier de Feller, Rue Henri Vannérus, Rue Jean-Baptiste Gellé
  • Amended cost estimate – Renovation and extension of the Guillaume II car park

6. Internal rules and regulations of the Committee on Intercultural Living Together (Commission du vivre-ensemble interculturel) – decision.

7. Legal affairs: authorisation to initiate legal proceedings – decision.

8. Motion tabled by the déi Gréng group to promote the protection of cultural heritage in Luxembourg City – vote.

9. Motion tabled by the Pirates group to create the position of District Coordinator (Coordinateur/trice de Quartier) – presentation.

10. Creation/elimination of positions – decision.

Closed session

11. Nomination of the members of the Rents Committee (Commission des loyers).

12. Advisory committees: replacement of members.

13. Personnel matters – decision.

Live broadcast of meetings

Watch the video recording of this session.

Summary record

Municipal councillors' questions

A transcript of the questions asked during this session will be made available shortly.

Extension of municipal officers' powers

Question posed by Pascal Clement

According to the media, few municipalities have updated their public-order regulations to grant municipal officers extended powers. What progress has the City of Luxembourg made on this issue? Has the City set a deadline for the implementation of the required updates? Which offences will municipal officers be able to book someone for in Luxembourg City? How many municipal officers will eventually be granted these extended powers?

Response provided by Mayor Lydie Polfer

On 23 March 2023, the Municipal Council approved an amendment to the City's General Regulations on Public Order (Règlement général de police) providing for the inclusion of the 17 offences listed in Article 3 of the Law of 27 July 2022 on municipal administrative fines (la loi du 27 juillet 2022 relative aux sanctions administratives communales), and for the extension of municipal officers' powers. The offences that municipal officers can now book individuals for are set out in Articles 44 to 60 of the City's General Regulations on Public Order and include, for example, loading and unloading goods on public thoroughfares without a permit, and failure to comply with the regulations applicable to terraces. Eighty-three of the City's 102 municipal officers will be afforded these new powers. The municipal officers who have been afforded these powers are currently being trained, and the course is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. So far, none of the municipal officers have satisfied the conditions listed in Article 15-1(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Code de procédure pénale). The municipal officers in question – ultimately, some 10 or so individuals – must have completed a specific course, passed the promotion exam, and been sworn in by a district-court magistrate. The City plans to conduct a flyer campaign to inform the public of the new legal and regulatory provisions.

Attractiveness of weekly markets

Question posed by Pascal Clement

Markets contribute to a city's attractiveness and play an important role as a place where local residents can meet and socialise. Since the Wednesday market was relocated from Place Hamilius – a high-traffic area due to its proximity to public transport services – to Place Guillaume II, it seems to be attracting fewer customers.

The weekly markets in Bonnevoie and the Gare district (Place de Paris) also no longer seem to be able to attract enough customers to make for a diverse and appealing offering. And this decline in our markets' attractiveness could deter many vendors.

What plans does the City have to make the markets in question more attractive? Why has there been a decline in the number of small-scale "amateur" producers – who contribute to the appeal of local markets and the diversity of their offerings? Shouldn't the City reconsider the locations, times and offerings of our weekly markets?

Response provided by Alderman Patrick Goldschmidt

Although the Glacismaart and the flea market are doing well, things have been more difficult at the Garer Maart and Bouneweger Maart. Up until a few years ago, the markets in the Gare district and Bonnevoie were held on the same days as the Stater Maart (in the city centre), that is, on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. The market in the Gare district – where the number of customers had already been in decline – was relocated to Rue Zithe to accommodate the tram construction works, before being closed down completely with the approval of the Lëtzebuerger Maarteverband. Once the works were completed, the market was reopened at the recently redeveloped Place de Paris to contribute to the lively atmosphere in the Gare district. Generally speaking, however, there is a shortage of market vendors, who also sell their goods at other markets throughout the country. Some vendors attend markets held in Luxembourg City on Saturdays and Wednesdays, while others attend on Saturdays only.

The number of requests is not enough to achieve the desired degree of diversity. All of the vendors at the weekly market in Luxembourg City have a business licence. Two or three vendors offer organic products. There are only a few traditional family businesses left, and we hope that they will manage to find buyers. Many of the vendors sell products imported from distant countries and supplied by major distributors.

As for the Staater Maart, the vendors are delighted to be back in Place Guillaume II. Once the ongoing works are completed, the City will issue a call to attract more vendors. Several "small" vendors who didn't have stalls at the market in Place Hamilius have already told the City that they are willing to return to the market in Place Guillaume II. It is true that there was more pedestrian traffic in Place Hamilius than in Place Guillaume II on Wednesdays, but this did not translate into more sales. Moreover, it may no longer be possible for the market to be held in Place Hamilius on Wednesdays, as the commercial premises in the adjacent buildings – which were unoccupied at the time – are now occupied.

After a few final adjustments to accommodate the Wednesday markets, Place Guillaume II will be the best possible location for the market.

Question posed by Pascal Clement

When I say "amateur producers", I mean people who grow fruit and vegetables in their own garden and would like to sell their surplus at a market without having to obtain a business licence. I have been approached by people in this situation who feel discouraged by required formalities.

Response provided by Alderman Patrick Goldschmidt

This is a well-known problem, but the municipal authorities are not alone in deciding how to deal with it. The City will look into the matter to see what can be improved.

Article 13, paragraph 3 of the Municipal Law establishes that each member of the Municipal Council, acting in their individual capacity, shall enjoy the right of initiative to add to the agenda drawn up by the College of Aldermen one or more proposals that they wish to submit to the Municipal Council.

Such proposals must be submitted to the mayor in the form of a written reasoned request at least three days before the meeting of the Municipal Council.