At a glance

Education and professional experience
Doctor of veterinary medicine (University of Liège, Cureghem/Brussels). Diploma awarded in 1989.
- Veterinary practice for horses and small domestic animals 1989–2001, with partners, in Junglinster
- Official veterinarian of the Fédération équestre internationale (International Federation for Equestrian Sports)
- Veterinary meat inspector at Cobolux/Wecker 1990–1995
- Small domestic animals practice in Luxembourg City (Rue de Neudorf) 2001-2020
- Volunteer veterinarian at the Centre de Conservation pour chimpanzées (Chimpanzee Conservation Centre) in Guinea-Conakry 2014-2020
- Small domestic animals practice in Junglinster since 2020
Political experience
- Member of déi Gréng since 2011
- Co-Chairwoman of the Luxembourg City chapter of déi Gréng 2014-2022
- Member of the Executive Committee of déi Gréng since 2013
- Member of the municipal council of Luxembourg City since 13 March 2017
Other activities/hobbies
Running, hiking, theatre, concerts, film, reading, travel