
Born on 3 March 1979 in Luxembourg

Resident of Mühlenbach

Contact David Wagner by email or follow him on facebook.

Education and experience


  • 1999: Secondary school diploma (A1 section) – Lycée de Garçons de Luxembourg
  • 2001: undergraduate degree in history from the Centre Universitaire du Luxembourg
  • 2023: bachelor degree in Medieval History from the University of Luxembourg

Work experience

  • 2002-2004: parliamentary attaché
  • 2005-2013: journalist for weekly newspaper Woxx
  • 2013-2015; parliamentary attaché
  • 2015-2021: Member of Parliament
  • 2021-2023: studies
  • Since 2023: Member of Parliament

Political experience

  • 1996-1998: Member of the LSAP, Secretary General of the Luxembourg Socialist Youths
  • 1999: Founding member of "déi Lénk" ("The Left" political party)
  • 2011-2014: municipal councillor
  • 2017-2020: municipal councillor
  • 2015-2021: Member of Parliament
  • Since 2023: Member of Parliament
  • Since 2024: municipal councillor