Collection of fallen leaves

Generally, the City of Luxembourg starts collecting fallen leaves after the end of the Schueberfouer. Leaves are collected in 15 different locations around the city and, once a week, taken to Sidor, one of three intermunicipal associations in the Grand Duchy responsible for waste management.

A total of 411.64 tonnes of fallen leaves were collected between October and December 2017.

Public roads, pavements and public squares

The street-cleaning staff of the Service Hygiène (Sanitation Department), numbering between 45 and 55 persons, collects fallen leaves during the autumn months:

  • On working days, seven sweeping teams, comprising four to five cleaners and a driver to manoeuvre the sweeper, make the rounds of all city districts.
  • These teams are supplemented by 3-person teams who collect fallen leaves in schoolyards.

Municipal parks and public green spaces

Service Parcs (Parks Department) maintenance teams are responsible for collecting fallen leaves in all city districts.

Snow clearing / Salting

The Service Voirie (Roads Department) coordinates the winter service, which it carries out in conjunction with the Service Hygiène and the Service Parcs. The Service Cimetières (Cemeteries Department), Service Sports (Sports Department), Service Canalisation (Sewer Department) and Service Circulation (Traffic Department) provide backup if needed.

The snow-clearing plan is put in place before the start of winter so that the teams can be fully operational from 1 November and until 31 March, as needed.

About 360 people are involved in clearing snow and salting the city's public roads, squares, bus stops, cycle paths, footpaths in parks, etc. This service is provided 24/7. Snow is cleared using tractors or specific machinery, or by teams making the rounds on foot. In all, 40 vehicles and other machines are used for this purpose, including salt spreaders with ploughs and tractors of all sizes.

For winter 2018/2019, some 4,400 tonnes of salt were ordered.

Obligations of building users

Building users, i.e. both residents and companies with offices in Luxembourg City, also have obligations in the event of ice and snow. According to Article 15 of the general regulations on public order and safety of 26 March 2001 (Règlement général de police du 26 mars 2001), as amended on 23 November 2015:

  • Building users are required to ensure that the pavements and gutters in front of their buildings are kept clean and sufficiently clear [of ice and snow], and/or that salt or sand is spread effectively to prevent accidents.
  • If there are several users, these obligations are incumbent on all of them, unless they have agreed to appoint one of their number or a third party to assume them on their behalf.
  • If there are no pavements, these obligations apply to a 1-metre wide strip along the front of the building.

During periods of frost, it is prohibited to pour water on pavements, roadsides, or any other part of a public road.