The project

Hot drinks to go are an important part of the morning routine for a large portion of the working population. However, these drinks are generally served in disposable cups that are used for just a few minutes – or as long as it takes you to drink your coffee – before being thrown into the bin.

This is why the City of Luxembourg has launched the Cup2Go project, which seeks to:

  • promote environmentally responsible consumption
  • offer an alternative to the mountains of disposable cups used every day
  • provide exposure for the businesses involved

Keen to raise awareness of the little things we can all do to reduce waste, the City of Luxembourg has launched a project to encourage people to bring their own reusable cups when buying their coffee to go. With this small gesture, you too can do something good for the environment, and you will be treated to a little reward with each purchase of a hot drink to go.

To find a participating establishment, check out the interactive map below, which lists addresses and rewards for eco-friendly consumers. All partner establishments also display a Cup2Go sticker in their shop window as well as relevant information at the counter.

Where can I find a participating coffee shop?

For business owners