Responsible purchasing

By applying environmental criteria when buying products, the City of Luxembourg aims to reduce its impact in terms of the consumption of natural resources, air pollution, effects on climate change and the production of waste.

In particular, the City of Luxembourg has made the following commitments:

  • Eliminate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from all food served in school canteens, and introduce a significant proportion of organic foods.
  • Promote sustainable food production by encouraging the use of local, seasonal and fair-trade products, and/or organic products or those produced using integrated farming techniques.
  • Use paper sensibly and in moderation, and especially use recycled paper as specified in the "Selbstverpflichtung - Proppere Pabéier" declaration of commitment.
  • Apply eco-friendly criteria for cleaning products.
  • Promote tap water consumption in schools and municipal offices, thus reducing wastage of drinking water.
  • Sort waste and obtain "SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber" certification for some 150 municipal buildings covered by the agreement with the organisation.
  • Purchase school and office equipment free of substances that are harmful for human health and the environment. See the "Schulanfang, Clever einkaufen" brochure as well as the national "Ech kafe clever" campaign to promote eco-friendly and non-toxic school supplies, in which the City of Luxembourg is a key participant.
  • Continue the public procurement policy initiated in 2014 requiring the use of legal and sustainable wood by purchasing FSC certified wood products.
  • Apply environmental criteria in construction (a guide presenting the City of Luxembourg's recommendations for eco-friendly construction is being drawn up).
  • Promote fair trade.

All residents can also do their part by following environmentally responsible purchasing guidelines. For office and school supplies, the City of Luxembourg recommends the actions promoted by the "Ech kafe clever" campaign. For more information on fair trade, please go to this website's section on this topic.

Eco-friendly events

The City of Luxembourg is taking an eco-friendly approach to limit the impact of public events on the environment.

This approach involves not only the prevention and sorting of waste, but also energy savings, the use of green energy, encouraging tap water consumption, and sustainable transport options to and from the events.

ECOlogique no. 1 2015 – "Les manifestations éco-responsables" offers a more detailed presentation of the subject (in French only).