Home care and assistance

The home care and assistance networks operating in Luxembourg are staffed by professionals offering a full range of services to senior citizens in their homes which, under certain circumstances, are covered by public long-term care insurance.

These services involve various types of care and assistance, such as:

  • medical nursing procedures;
  • help with the activities of daily living (personal hygiene, dressing, eating, getting around, etc.)
  • ;
  • support and guidance (visits to an adult day centre, home care, etc.);
  • technical assistance (hospital bed, wheelchair, etc.);
  • home or car modifications.

For a list of care and assistance providers operating in Luxembourg City, please consult the document "Relevé des services pour personnes âgées au Luxembourg" (only available in French and German) on www.luxsenior.lu.

Some procedures and services may be covered by the national health insurance fund or by public long-term care insurance. Any procedure or service not covered must be paid for by the patient. However, reduced tariffs may be applicable under certain conditions.

Alzheimer’s disease

The non-profit organisation Luxembourg Alzheimer has set up a helpline called "SOS Alzheimer" for the family and friends of people suffering from various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Helpline staff are available 24 hours a day to provide information and practical advice as well as psychological and emotional support.

SOS Alzheimer helpline: Tel.: 26 432 432

In addition to its helpline, Luxembourg Alzheimer runs a number of other services and programmes, such as the Alzheimer Café, a documentation centre on the disease, awareness-raising campaigns, training courses, etc.

Two adult day centres located in Luxembourg City are staffed and equipped to welcome people with Alzheimer’s disease. A specialised nursing home is located in Erpeldange (near Ettelbrück).

Bonnevoie adult day centre

Dr Dominique Marth adult day centre

Beim Goldknapp nursing home and facility

145, Route de Thionville

45, Rue Nicolas Hein

8, Gruefwee

L-2611 Luxembourg

L-1721 Luxembourg

L-9147 Erpeldange/Ettelbrück

Tel.: 26007-300

Tel.: 26007-340

Tel.: 26007-1





For more information on services for the disabled, please contact Info-Handicap.

Contact details


65 avenue de la Gare
L-1611 Luxembourg

Hospital social work teams

Medical social workers offer support and guidance to patients and/or their loved ones during a hospital stay. The aim of the social work team is to advise patients and provide or arrange material assistance, whether of a financial or administrative nature, or in view of the continuity of medical or paramedical care. Patients prepare for their return home with the assistance of a social worker assigned to their case.

For example, the medical social services department can submit a request to Luxembourg City's Service Seniors (Department of Senior Services) for connection to the Téléalarme personal alert system, organise visits by home care and assistance personnel, file applications for admission to an integrated centre for the elderly or a nursing home (see the "Housing" section for more information), etc.

Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg

Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg

Hôpitaux Robert Schuman

Hôpitaux Robert Schuman

Service social

Service social de la Clinique d'Eich

Service social de l'Hôpital Kirchberg

Service social de la ZithaKlinik

4, rue Ernest Barblé

78, rue d'Eich

9, rue Edward Steichen

36, rue Ste Zithe

L-1210 Luxembourg

L-1460 Luxembourg

L-2540 Luxembourg

L-2763 Luxembourg

Tel.: 4411-8334

Tel.: 4411-7131

Tel.: 2468-2342

Tel.: 2888-5702

Home adaptations due to an illness or injury

If modifications must be made to your home so that you may continue to live there following an accident or illness, you can contact the Cellule d’évaluation et d’orientation de l’Assurance dépendance (the long-term care insurance assessment and orientation team) at the Ministry of Social Security, which may offer financial assistance for these modifications. Please note that the assessment team is responsible for determining the modifications that will best meet each

individual’s needs.

Ministère de la Sécurité sociale
Cellule d'évaluation et d'orientation de l'Assurance dépendance
125 route d'Esch
L-2974 Luxembourg
Tel.: 247-86060 (Helpline)

Coverage will not be provided for any home modifications not approved in advance by the Cellule d'évaluation et d'orientation de l'Assurance dépendance.

Assistive technology

The organisation Service Moyens Accessoires (SMA ASBL) offers all types of equipment for dependent persons free of charge (e.g. wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, etc.):
20-22, rue Geespelt
L-3378 Livange

Proof must be provided of their need for the equipment. The long-term care insurance assessment and orientation team of the Ministry of Social Security carries out an evaluation and decides which equipment is best suited to the dependent person’s needs:
125 route d'Esch
L-2974 Luxembourg
Tel.: 247-86060 (Helpline)