Public long-term care insurance

Anyone who, as a result of illness, loss of functional capacity or cognitive impairment, requires considerable assistance from another person to perform the basic activities of daily living personal hygiene, toileting, nutrition, dressing and mobility. They may be eligible for long-term care benefits, provided their condition is irreversible or their need for assistance lasts for a period of at least six months.

Public long-term care insurance covers the following types of care and assistance:

  • help provided by another person in the areas of personal hygiene, toileting, nutrition, dressing and mobility;
  • activities to support independence or help the beneficiary to continue living at home, such as visits to an adult day centre, home care, etc.
  • support activities at a care and assistance facility
  • contributions to the cost of incontinence supplies
  • payment of the caregiver's pension contributions
  • assistive technology equipment (walkers, wheelchairs, shower chairs, etc.)
  • home or car adaptations

Home adaptations due to an illness or injury

If adaptations need be made to your home so you may continue to live there following an accident or illness, you can contact the Administration for Assessment and Oversight (Administration d'évaluation et de contrôle – AEC) of long-term care insurance, which may provide partial reimbursement of the cost. Please note that the AEC is responsible for determining the adaptations that will best meet each individual's needs.

Coverage will not be provided for any home modifications not approved in advance by the AEC.

Assistive technology

Service Moyens Accessoires (SMA ASBL) offers all types of equipment for dependent persons free of charge (e.g. wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, etc.)

20-22, Rue Geespelt
L-3378 Livange

Proof must be provided of their need for the equipment. The Administration for Assessment and Oversight (AEC) of long-term care insurance carries out an evaluation and decides which equipment is best suited to the dependent person's needs.

Coverage will not be provided for any assistive technology equipment not approved in advance by the AEC.


For more detailed information on long-term care insurance, please call one of the AEC helplines.

  • For general information:
    Secretariat Helpline
    Tel.: 247-86060
    Fax : 247-86061

    Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00.

  • For information on assistive technologies, or home or car adaptations:
    Assistive Technology Helpline
    Tel.: 247-86040

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 to 11:30
    Wednesday from 13:30 to 17:00

Do not purchase assistive technology equipment/devices (e.g. wheelchairs, hospital beds, walkers), or start home adaptation work, or have your car adapted on your own. You must wait for the AEC's approval. The law does not provide for retroactive coverage of costs.