Cooperation between parents and teaching staff
Communication between teaching staff and parents, and their involvement in their child's education are key factors in pupils' success at school.
Throughout the school year, the class teacher holds regular meetings with parents. The purpose of these meetings is to provide information and discuss matters relating to the cycle's objectives, the methods used to assess learning outcomes, the organisation of the class and pupils' progress.
Parent representatives
Each school has at least two parent representatives.
- Parent representatives meet with the school committee at least three times per school year to discuss school organisation and matters concerning community life at the school. These meetings take place at the request of the school’s president or the parent representatives.
- The representatives also provide their opinion on the school development plan and participate in the organisation of joint events with school partners.
Representatives are elected every three years, in October. Three weeks before the election, the chair of the school committee solicits nominations. These must be presented in writing and are accepted by the chair of the school committee up to three days before the elections. Representatives are chosen during a general assembly meeting to which all parents are invited.
Supervision of pupils
Luxembourg City public schools aspire to be a place where all school children feel comfortable. Of course, sometimes there may be friction, and in such cases we seek to reconcile the parties involved by establishing dialogue.
The class teacher
Each class, which in Luxembourg City has 14 to 15 pupils on average, is assigned a class teacher.
The role of the class teacher is to guide their pupils in achieving the objectives set out in the curriculum, regularly evaluate and document pupils' progress and notify parents of their children's progress. To do so, the teacher organises consultations with parents and works in close collaboration with the school's educational and socio-educational staff. Teachers also carry out the administrative tasks associated with their class.
Socio-educational support
Each cycle receives support from an educational team composed of teaching and educational staff.
The team meets regularly to discuss pupils’ work, as well as aspects of the daily management of a pupil’s learning, and to share professional experiences. This team may consult specialists from other fields, if need be.
Psychological support team
The psychological support team helps families whose children are enrolled in municipal crèches or childcare centres in Luxembourg City and are having personal, emotional or inter-personal difficulties. This team listens to and counsels parents and children who are experiencing challenging situations at home.
The psychological support team also provides support and counselling to the staff of the municipal crèches and childcare centres in Luxembourg City.
The team is made up of two qualified psychologists – Viviane Becker and Marthe Droulans – who are available by appointment from Tuesday to Friday. To schedule an appointment, please call their office. Calls are answered Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 12:00.
Contact details
L-1420 Luxembourg
- Tel. : 4796-2956
- Fax : 44 25 19
Opening hours
Consultations psychologiques
Du mardi au vendredi
de 8h à 17h
Mainstreaming committee
The role of the mainstreaming committee is to define mainstreaming solutions for pupils with special needs, at the request of parents, teachers or representatives of childcare centres, and with the parents' official consent.
The mainstreaming committee:
- advises the school on adaptations that could be made to class teacher's lesson plans;
- arranges classroom assistance by a member of the support team for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) (for details, see the section below);
- may recommend specialised outpatient care, or if applicable, enrolment in a class in a specialised skills centre.
Contact details
L- 1445 Strassen
- Tel. : 247-65888 /247-65907/247-65908
- Fax : 247-65917
Opening hours
8:00–12:00 and 13:00–17:00
Support teams for pupils with special educational needs (SEN)
Schools may require assistance from support teams for pupils with special educational needs (SEN). These teams are made up of specialists such as psychomotor therapists, psychologists, childcare workers, teachers, etc. Working with schools and the teachers involved, these teams are tasked with providing an initial diagnosis and monitoring pupils with special educational needs in the event that the special attention provided by the school is insufficient.
The regional directorate is responsible for organising these teams.
If the school cannot meet the child's special educational needs, the child may be transferred, following a set procedure and with the parents' consent, to one of the centres with specialised skills in educational psychology:
- Centre de logopédie (speech therapy centre – CL);
- Centre pour le Développement des compétences relatives à la vue (Centre for the Development of Sight-Related Skills – CVV);
- Centre pour le développement moteur (Centre for the Development of Motor Skills – CDM);
- Centre pour le développement intellectuel (Centre for Intellectual Development – CDI);
- Centre pour le développement des enfants et jeunes présentant un trouble du spectre de l'autisme (Centre for the Development of Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder – CTSA);
- Centre pour le développement des apprentissages Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa (centre for the development of learning for pupils with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and other disorders – CDSA);
- Centre pour enfants et jeunes à haut potentiel (centre for high-potential students, known as gifted or intellectually precocious children and young people – CEJHP);
- Centre pour le développement socio-émotionnel (Centre for socio-emotional development – CDSE) for pupils with behavioural disorders; and
- Agence pour la transition vers une vie autonome (Agency for Transition to Independence – ATVA), which guides and supports young people at new stages in their working lives.
For more information, go to
Contact details
L-1445 Strassen
- Tel. : 247-65888/247-65907/247-65908
- Fax : 247-65917