toute la commission assise autour d'un table dans la salle de réunion

On Tuesday, 6 February 2024, the Municipal Advisory Committee on Intercultural Living Together held its first meeting at City Hall. The chair of the commission, Corinne Cahen, welcomed its 18 members to this first session, and thanked them all for their commitment: "As alderwoman for social affairs for the City of Luxembourg, I am very pleased with the great interest this new commission has aroused among residents and people working in the capital, as well as with the many interesting applications the college of aldermen received for the 18 positions to be filled. With this very diverse team, we will analyse and address the problems facing our society and seek forward-looking solutions, particularly in terms of integration and inclusion."

In total, after the College of Aldermen of the City of Luxembourg launched a call for applications by people who live or work in the capital to join the Municipal Advisory Committee on Intercultural Living Together in autumn 2023, 115 persons came forward, among whom the following members were appointed at the meeting of the municipal council of 11 December 2023:

  • Henry Abner Surpless
  • Ernad Rafetov Agovic
  • Alexandra Renault
  • Joshi Bhanu
  • Liudmila Cande Giovani Branca
  • Claire Courquin-Geier
  • Camilla Cuppini
  • Carisa Delgado Dias
  • Annelore Dewulf
  • Crina Enita
  • Martin Kracheel
  • Jean-Dominique Montoisy
  • Mai-Anh Nguyen
  • Dominique Riefstahl
  • Claudia Schleret
  • José Trinidade
  • Ricky Wong
  • Laura Zuccoli

The main tasks of the consultative commission, which will carry out its duties in close consultation with the College of the Mayor and Aldermen, are to:

  • Identify the municipality's priorities in terms of promoting intercultural living together, and potential obstacles;
  • assist the municipality with developing and implementing measures and activities that foster intercultural living together;
  • promote access to information, civic engagement and association work;
  • encourage dialogue, intercultural exchange and mutual understanding among all residents in the municipality;
  • promote adherence to the values of intercultural living together, particularly by engaging in outreach and implementing measures to combat racism and all forms of discrimination;
  • elect the municipal representatives who will sit on the Superior Council for Intercultural Living Together.