
The "Ratskeller" is Cercle Cité's exhibition space. It can be accessed via the Cercle's main hall from Place d'Armes or directly from Rue du Curé. Cercle Cité hosts temporary exhibitions in the "Ratskeller" all year long, as well as projects combining various creative disciplines (plastic arts, photography, etc.), together with professional organisations, institutions and local and international cultural stakeholders.

During such exhibitions, Cercle Cité regularly organises a rich programme of associated events, including regular Saturday morning tours, special tours, talks, round-table discussions, workshops, meetings and exchanges with artists, etc. All events are free.

Other museums

Art in public spaces

A range of works by local and international artists are exhibited in public spaces throughout the city – from sculptures to fountains to permanent and temporary installations. These artists include major names such as Daniel Buren, Jean-Bernard Métais, Henry Moore, Auguste Tremont, Lucien Wercollier, Richard Serra, Frank Stella, Su-Mei Tse and Wil Lofy, amongst others.

Some 20 years ago, the City opened a gallery reserved for works of art produced by children and young people. The exhibition space is located in the pedestrian tunnel that links the Grund district to Ville Haute, and is open 24/7. It provides a unique opportunity to showcase artwork by children and young people.

The purpose of the gallery is twofold: to provide a space for young people to exhibit their work to as broad an audience as possible, but also to raise awareness of topical issues among passers-by, presenting them in a new light. Through these art exhibitions, a place that was originally intended to be merely a passageway for getting from A to B as quickly as possible has evolved into a venue serving as a form of communication between cultures, generations and societies.

Any group of children and/or young people (schools, childcare centres, etc.) who would like to exhibit their work in the tunnel can register with CAPEL (Creative Learning Centre – CAPEL), provided they meet the following conditions:

  • the works must be produced by the children/young people themselves,
  • the young artist must be able to identify with their work,
  • collaboration with well-known artists is possible and organised by CAPEL,
  • all exhibitions must be free of charge.

Projects are supervised by CAPEL and its partners, from the preparatory stages all the way through to the opening ceremony. Assistance is provided with the actual creative process, the format and layout of the works, and advertising.

Further information