
The three partner associations CLAE, ErwuesseBildung and Maison des Associations have been running the City's Internetstuffs for some twenty years, welcoming almost 22,000 people and providing training to no fewer than 2,500 citizens. As well as being training centres, these spaces are somewhere people can get together and socialise in the heart of the Gasperich, Eich and Ville Haute districts.

Internetstuffs are also open-access areas offering a range of services, including help with digital procedures, photocopying and document scanning etc.

Internet Führerschäin

This training covers the knowledge and skills needed to use information and communication technology (ICT) mindfully and responsibly. Courses run between 20 and 40 hours. When students accomplish the learning objectives of the four topic areas, they receive an INTERNET-FÜHRERSCHÄIN certificate with a descriptive summary of the skills and knowledge mastered.

Two training methods

  • Classroom training with six to eight students, where everyone progresses at the same pace.
  • Individual training at your own pace. You can then go back to a topic if you are having trouble, or move faster through concepts with which you are already familiar.

Whenever you go to the Internetstuff one of the instructors will check on your progress, and run through the next topic with you.

During the last class session, the instructor will review everything you have learned and, if needed, fill in any gaps. Your file will then be sent to the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la formation professionnelle), which will issue your certificate.

Registration and fees

You can sign up directly at the Internetstuffs. The price is €3 per hour. People in need pay a reduced enrolment fee of €10 for the whole course. This price is set by the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training; the City of Luxembourg has no say over the amount of these fees.

Training location

Luxembourg City has three Internetstuffs where you can take these courses and get free help on the spot if you are having trouble. We recommend that you phone in advance to reserve a computer.

Contact details

Centre Convict

5, avenue Marie-Thérèse
L-2132 Luxembourg

Opening hours

Tuesday to Thursday

and 13:00–17:00

Monday and Friday


Appointments can be arranged outside opening hours.

Contact details

e-sp@ce 1.4.

141, rue de Muehlenbach
L-2168 Luxembourg

Opening hours

Monday to Friday


Contact details


1, rue Tony Bourg
L-1278 Luxembourg

Opening hours

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday


Tuesday and Friday

and 13:00–21:00

Training programme

1. ICT

Various digital tools and their applications – "Hardware"

  • Various types of devices (tablet, laptop computer, desktop computer, mobile phone)
  • Media attributes (memory, speed, power, power supply, internet access, compatibility)
  • Data storage devices (CD, USB flash drive, external storage devices)
  • Using the screen, touchscreen, mouse and keyboard
  • Printing documents and images
  • Transferring data between different media

Various data processing programs – "Software"

  • Operating systems (MAC OS, Windows, Linux, Android)
  • Applications (word processing, browsing, etc.)
  • Managing data
  • Apps

Secure ICT use

  • Protecting personal files
  • Protecting personal data
  • Protecting media against cyberattacks
  • Anti-virus programs


  • World Wide Web: background, structure and access options
  • Websites and web portals URLs, bookmarks and browsing 
  • Finding information: search engines, keyword searches and address searches
  • Evaluating the reliability of resources and complying with copyright laws


  • Creating and managing messages and addresses (email, SMS/MMS)
  • Creating, organising and sharing contacts and address books
  • Social networks: How they work, protection of privacy
  • Electronic signature
  • E-commerce: making purchases and bookings online, judging the reliability of offers, using various payment methods
  • E-banking: performing banking transactions online
  • Online administrative procedures: tax returns, forms, registration


  • Creating and editing texts: correction tools, copy and pasting, text layout
  • Creating and editing texts: inserting images into documents, downloading and saving images

Workshops and smartphone café

In addition to the basic training courses (Internetführerschäin IFS1 and IFS2), the City's Internetstuffs offer a range of workshops and smartphone cafés based on what people find the most challenging about technology and what they want to use it for: online administrative procedures, job hunting using digital tools, e-banking, making the most of smartphones and tablets, online communication, content creation and publication, etc.