The City organises German sign language courses. These are taught by three deaf people and include a beginner course (DGS1 – Deutsche Gebärdensprache 1), an advanced course (DGS2 – Deutsche Gebärdensprache 2) and another course, DGS3.
The courses are open to everyone and are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.
The Luxembourg City authorities feel that these classes are crucial for fostering communication between hearing people and people who are often marginalised due to their special needs.
€50 for 8 sessions (12 hours in total).
Centre de communication / Maison Greisch
- 166, rue de Beggen
L-1220 Beggen
Dates and times
- 8 May 2025
Two courses will be offered: From 17:00 to 18:30 and 18:45 to 20:15.
DGS2 course information will be published soon.
DGS3 course information will be published soon.
Registration and additional information
Registration is open until 30 April.
To register or if you have any questions, please contact Sandy Schammel or Martine Fabeck by e-mail(