Leading a group of children or youths in sports activities

The City of Luxembourg, specifically the Service Sports (Sports Department), offers annual training courses for qualification as a "Level-B Youth Coordinator" in sport.

The training is mandatory for anyone who would like to work in the "S.d.S. Sport-Wochen" (sports camps) and "Kinnekswiss: sport et détente au coeur de la Ville" (sport and recreation in the heart of the city) programmes during the summer holidays. The objective of this training, which lasts 150 hours (including work placement), is to instil the knowledge and skills needed to lead a group of children and/or youths, under supervision. Upon finishing the course, participants receive a "Level-B Youth Coordinator" certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'enfance et de la jeunesse).

For more information, please contact our Service Sports:

  • Line Dupont
    Tel.: 4796-4424
    Mobile phone: 691 98 44 24

Leading a group of children or youths in educational activities as part of Aktioun Bambësch

The Centre d'Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs (Creative Learning Centre – CAPEL) offers students aged 18 to 27 the opportunity to complete the "Level-B Youth Coordinator" training, which earns them a certificate from the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

The City of Luxembourg's Creative Learning Centre is currently hiring level-A, level-B and level-C youth coordinators to supervise "Aktioun Bambësch" afternoon leisure activities. Successful applicants will be hired under a student labour contract. Level-B youth coordinator training with a focus on "Aktioun Bambësch" leisure activities (children in Cycles 1.2–4.2) will also be offered.

Vacancies for Level-A, Level-B and Level-C Youth Coordinators for Aktioun Bambësch

The City of Luxembourg is currently hiring level-A, level-B and level-C youth coordinators to supervise "Aktioun Bambësch" afternoon leisure activities. Successful applicants will be hired under a student labour contract.

You will be assigned various duties. With support from coordinators from the Centre d'animation pédagogique et de loisirs (Creative Learning Centre – CAPEL), you will be supervising and running a range of activities for the children under your care.

If you consider yourself to be athletic, energetic, responsible, motivated, patient and keen to work with children, and if you also fulfil the following criteria:

  • you are a student, and at least 18 years old;
  • you are a qualified level-B and level-C youth coordinator or have successfully completed the relevant CAPEL training course
  • you have practical experience working with children;
  • you are highly proficient in Luxembourgish.

The City of Luxembourg is offering you the chance to join the team of "Aktioun Bambësch" leisure-activity youth coordinators.

Level-B/Level-C youth coordinator applications

To apply, please submit the following documents:

  • a cover letter (including the following reference: etud-capel)
  • your CV
  • a certification of enrolment in a school/university
  • a recent extract from the criminal record (records no. 3 and no. 5)
  • a statement of your bank details (RIB)
  • a copy of your identity card
  • a recent ID photo
  • a certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse) attesting that you have successfully completed level-B and/or level-C youth coordinator training

Please send your application, together with all the required supporting documents, to "Collège des bourgmestre et échevins, L-2090 Luxembourg".

Feel free to contact the CAPEL administrative office (tel.: 4796-2442, email: capel@vdl.lu) if you have any questions or need additional information.

Form(s) to be completed

Overview: Level-B and Level-C Youth Coordinators

Via PDF document

Non-authenticated method, manual signing and sending

  • Non-authenticated procedure
  • Print, fill in, sign and send
    • by post or
    • email (scan)
PDF form

Contact person
For more information, please contact CAPEL: