
Education and professional experience
- 2016: Stage notarial (professional training to become a notary) in Luxembourg
- 2015: Complementary courses in Luxembourg law (Luxembourg)
- 2013: 2nd year Master's degree in European and International Tax Law LL.M. at the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- 2012: 1st year Master's degree in European Law at the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- 2011: Licence (undergraduate degree) in Law (high-level athlete – skiing), Université Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble, France)
- 2024–present day: Barrister, partner at the law firm E2M
- 2015: Admitted to the Luxembourg Bar
Political experience
- Member of the Municipal Council of the City of Luxembourg since December 2023
- Member of the CSJ committee (2016–2018)
- Member of the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) since 2015
Other actvities/Hobbies
- 2023–present day: Member of the executive board of CAL-SPORA LUXEMBOURG (CSL)
- 2022–today: Member of the Commission internationale du Barreau de Luxembourg (CIBLU)
- 2018–2023: Chair of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Candidats-Notaire (ALCN)
- 2020–2022: Member of the Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Luxembourg (CJBL)
- 2012–2013: Student representative for the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance
- 2011–2013: Vice-Chair of the Association Nationale des Etudiants Luxembourgeois en Droit (ANELD)
Sports, reading, travel