How it works

Frequently asked questions about how the Walking Bus service is organised and how it works.

How are Walking Bus routes planned and organised?

Walking Bus routes and schedules are set by the City of Luxembourg based on the addresses of the children who have registered to use the Walking Bus, and the pre-set pick-up Walking Bus stops.

All Walking Bus routes (lines) can be found on this page.

When does the Walking Bus operate?

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 7:00–8:00 and 15:30–16:30.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 7:00–8:00 and 11:30–13:00.

Does the Walking Bus continue to operate in bad weather?

As a rule, the Walking Bus will continue to operate, unless weather conditions are extreme (storms, ice, etc.).

Parents will be notified if the Walking Bus is cancelled.

Which districts does the Walking Bus operate in?

The Walking Bus service operates in the following districts:

  • Belair (G. Diderich and Kayser)
  • Cents
  • Cessange
  • Gare
  • Gasperich
  • Limpertsberg
  • Rollingergrund


Frequently asked questions about registration.

How can I register my child for the Walking Bus?

Simply go to this page and fill in the required form.

Do I need to register my child for every day of the week?

No, you can choose the days that best suit your schedule and your child's needs. You can register your child as often as you want, which makes for greater flexibility. You can also register your child during the school year.

How can I sign up as a Walking Bus chaperone?

Simply go to this page and fill in the required form.

Chaperones sign a service agreement for one year. The contract is renewed at the end of every school year.

You can also sign up as a chaperone during the school year, in which case the term specified in the contract will be adjusted accordingly.

Are chaperones paid?

Chaperones are paid €20 per hour.

During the Walking Bus journey

Frequently asked questions about Walking Bus journeys and children's safety.

How do chaperones make sure that children are safe at all times?

All Walking Bus chaperones must attend a half-day training course run by the Grand Ducal Police. They are very familiar with road safety rules, and wear high-visibility vests.

Does my child need to wear any special clothing?

We recommend that children wear clothing that is appropriate to the weather (waterproof jacket, close-fitting knit cap in cold weather, etc.). Chaperones wear high-visibility vests to ensure the safety of the group.

How can I recognise a Walking Bus stop?

All Walking Bus stops display a sign bearing the Walking Bus logo.