Wi-Fi network

To enable people to access information while on the go, the City of Luxembourg has one of the best Wi-Fi networks in Europe. It can be accessed free of charge by connecting to "citywifi Free".

Wi-Fi network

View the interactive map at maps.vdl.lu

Open map

Fibre optics

The Service TIC (ICT Department) designs, installs and operates the city's fibre optic network. Currently, about 150 km of optical fibres are in place, connecting the Luxembourg City's infrastructure and buildings. By virtue of an agreement between Luxconnect S.A. and the City of Luxembourg, these fibres can be leased through local operators.

The City is not responsible for fibre-optic connections for private individuals. All related requests must be sent to one of the local operators.


The City of Luxembourg is currently assessing plans for the installation of sensors for environmental, mobility and other data. Its goal is to combine different types of technology and inform citizens about the data collected. The general term for this technology is: IoT (Internet of Things).

Citymap – urban information system

Luxembourg City's geoportal uses a range of custom, interactive tools to provide all sorts information about the city. These tools can be easily personalised by users. It is geared mainly toward Luxembourg City residents and visitors.