From disposable to sustainable

Reusable "Summer in the City" souvenir cups are now available at all events! The deposit for the cup is €1. The cup comes in two sizes: 0.5 and 0.33 litres. You can either keep the cup as a souvenir or return it intact to a stand and get your deposit back.

The City of Luxembourg also makes reusable cups available to its associations. To learn more about cup hire, please contact the Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés (Department of Public Spaces, Festivals and Markets).

When it comes to catering, Luxembourg City discourages the use of unnecessary or disposable packaging and encourages the use of reusable, returnable cups, plates and cutlery.

Transport – the right way

Choice of transport has a considerable impact on the natural and human environment.

This is why we urge you to use the city's public transport options or the vel'OH! scheme when travelling to and back from events. Not only are these transport options cheaper; they also help you avoid parking headaches.

Energy – festive lighting that is energy-efficient and 100% green

Since Luxembourg City replaced some 60,000 incandescent bulbs used for Christmas lighting with LED bulbs, it has reduced its annual electricity consumption by 97% (or 270 MWh). The remaining amount is covered entirely by green energy.

Water – high quality drinking water

The public fountains and Waasserhaischen installed by Luxembourg City's Service Eaux (Water Department) provide cold water of outstanding quality to quench your thirst.


The City of Luxembourg has published a set of guidelines with eco-friendly recommendations for organisers of all types of event.