
The purpose of these activities and educational projects is to increase children's awareness of specific topics, and to help them discover and broaden their knowledge of the world and themselves.

The projects are aimed at primary school classes under the remit of Luxembourg City's Service Enseignement (Department of Education), as well as the city's municipal childcare centres (foyers scolaires).

The topics addressed through these educational projects vary from year to year, and cover issues related to nature, healthy eating, and exercise.

Our Centre d'Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs (Creative Learning Centre – CAPEL) regularly creates and develops large-scale projects based on educational, technical and artistic criteria.

Projects include:

  • "Bëschprojet": an entertaining introduction to forestry maintenance tasks in the presence of a forest warden.
  • "Atelier Giruli": based on the approach developed by Arno Stern, encouraging children to learn about colour and drawing in their own way. Through games centred on painting, children are able to develop their own means of expression.
  • "Les cartons créatifs" (Cardboard Creations): a workshop designed to teach children specific techniques. Participants are encouraged to use their imagination to design unique items of furniture.
  • "Potager pédagogique" (gardening project): participants learn not only how to make and grow a vegetable garden, but also how to help each other out.
  • "Projet RAGI" (Richeg akafen, gutt iessen): through fun and practical activities, children learn how to distinguish between wholesome foods and those that they should only eat in small quantities. As its name implies, the focus of the project is  two-fold: "Richteg  akafen" (buy right) and "Gutt (gesond) iessen" (eat healthily). The first part focuses on purchasing regional, seasonal and fair-trade products without excessive packaging. From an early age, the children are encouraged to act responsibly towards the environment and nature. The second part seeks to promote a balanced diet to achieve and maintain good health. Accordingly, children are encouraged to eat fresh, organic products that they have cooked themselves.
  • "De Wollëf Mischi an d’Geess Zilli" (Mischi the Wolf and Zilli the Goat) is an interactive play in which children are supposed to help the main character – the wolf – to eat a healthy and varied diet through various games and activities. 
  • "Rope Skipping": rope skipping exercises organised in collaboration with the Service Médicine scolaire (School Health Department). Children learn various rope-skipping techniques and acrobatic moves, accompanied by music.
  • "Bulles de savon" (Soap Bubbles): a project that is much loved by participants. Children explore the magical world of physics through soap bubbles with activities designed to spark their curiosity and encourage them to explore.