WiFi network mapping tool

The WiFi network mapping tool shows you the broadcasting range of each WiFi antenna.

WiFi network mapping tool

View the interactive map at maps.vdl.lu

Open map

Solar map

The rooftop solar mapping tool allows you to visualise how effective solar installations would be on your roof.

Solar map

View the interactive map at maps.vdl.lu

Open map

Green roof map

The City's green roof mapping tool displays the roofs of buildings in Luxembourg City using a colour-coding system. In that way, users can determine at a glance which roofs are suitable for the installation of a green roof and which roofs are not.

Green roof map

View the interactive map at maps.vdl.lu

Open map

Urban climate

The weather sensor network is used to better measure temperature and humidity levels locally within the city.

Temperature and humidity in the city

View the interactive map at maps.vdl.lu

Open map

In collaboration with:

  • Délégué à l'environnement (Environmental Officer)
  • Service Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication – TIC (ICT Department)

Air quality

The City of Luxembourg publishes monthly information on air quality in relation to road traffic.

Air quality

View the interactive map at maps.vdl.lu

Open map

Smart Water Grid

This smart water network project to inform residents about their water consumption in real time is currently under review.

Smart Lighting

This intelligent management project for public street lights is currently under review.

Smart Building

This intelligent building management project in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy (Ministère de l'énergie) is currently under review.