Solar thermal and/or photovoltaic systems, wood pellet or wood chip boilers, heat pumps

This grant application can only be submitted for homes (single-family or two-family homes or apartments) in Luxembourg City.

This grant is awarded for:

  • solar thermal system for domestic hot water and, where appropriate, supplemental heating;
  • solar photovoltaic system;
  • wood pellet or wood chip boiler;
  • air/water heat pump;
  • geothermal heat pump or heat pump combined with a latent heat storage device and a thermal solar collector;
  • hybrid heat pump.

This grant will not be awarded for:

  • Installations using second-hand equipment
  • Works/investments that have not been subsidised by the State
  • Works/investments that have been subsidised by the State, but for which the ministerial decision specifying the amount of the State grant pre-dates the entry into force of this regulation (1 December 2022).

Amount granted

The City grants 50% of the amount of the State grant.

Conditions for awarding grants

The grant application must be submitted, together with all required supporting documents, within no more than than 6 months of receiving the ministerial decision specifying the amount of the State grant.

Documents to be submitted with the application

  • the ministerial decision detailing the amount of the State grant;
  • the applicant's bank account details.



Building permit

A building permit is required for the installation of solar thermal collectors and/or photovoltaic panels, in accordance with Article 27.1 of the building regulations.

Building permit (building regulations)

According to the written part of the PAP QE, different provisions apply to solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels depending on the type of building or surrounding landscape in residential areas, mixed areas and protected areas.

Special development plan for existing developments (PAP QE)

Solar map

The rooftop solar mapping tool allows you to visualise how effective solar installations would be on your roof.

User guide

Solar map

View the interactive map at

Open map

Grant simulation tool

Use this tool to find out how much you might be eligible for. We can help you realise your project and combat climate change.