Target group

The street work services provided by Caritas-Jeunes et Familles are aimed at 12- to 30-year-olds from the lower parts of town and the Gare district, who congregate at formal and informal meeting points in public and partially public areas around the city.

Focus area

The street work services provided by Caritas-Jeunes et Familles focus on the Gare district and its immediate vicinity, the surrounding residential areas in the lower city districts of Pfaffenthal, Clausen, the Grund and Neudorf West, as well as on the main meeting points for young people in Luxembourg City.

Purpose of the work

The purpose of the work is to be present in the focus area, observe and catalogue the meeting points used by the target group, build contact and trust with the young people in these areas, and initiate activities, projects and group work. The overall aim is to support the individuals with their living situation, advise them and assist them. A major part of the work is about surveying the meeting points used by the young target group. These meeting points include streets, bus stops, parks, play areas and sports fields, school courtyards, underpasses, public squares, cafés, building entrances, galleries and other similar areas. If welcome, the street workers will make contact with the target group at these meeting points, analyse the individuals' needs and develop appropriate services, activities and group work opportunities.

Another part of the work is co-operating with the Service Streetwork (Streetwork Department), building and maintaining professional social networks, partnering with social, cultural and other institutions for young people, and carrying out community work.


Streetwork: Caritas Jeunes et Familles

  • 7, rue Laurent Menager
    L-2143 Luxemburg
    Tel. : 691 22 32 24
    621 17 17 55