Target group and city districts

The target group is people who spend most of their lives on the streets and whose presence or behaviour is considered problematic by residents in the immediate vicinity, the city district, the community or by the street work team. The aim is to maintain contact with these individuals and with residents in the eastern part of the Gare district, as well as the Bonnevoie and Gasperich districts.


The street worker team make the rounds of the city's neighbourhoods following pre-defined routes. In addition, team members remain on-call at specific points around the city (at Café Millewee in Gasperich, Café B-ONE in Bonnevoie, Quick and McDonalds), in case their services are needed. This allows the team to establish a regular presence in the relevant city districts, thus facilitating contact and communication with the local community. In addition to following their pre-defined routes, the street workers also make visits based on the problems reported to them as well as their observations. In the evening, the team generally follows their pre-defined routes. Each week, the team walks the routes until 23:00. The jackets and other clothing that the street workers wear have a "Streetwork" label to ensure that they are easy to identify while they are walking around the city districts.

There are two elements to the work that the street workers do: group work and case work. The group work includes the following tasks: Organising group activities for specific projects (e.g. the Rap or Dance work groups), leisure activities (e.g. "Streetsport" and "Streetart") and offering advice to groups. The case work primarily consists of the following tasks: building relationships, on-going assistance, counselling, accompaniment, negotiation and mediation, navigation of social resources, arranging individual services, intervention.


The main objective is to establish contact with an individual and help them better integrate into society. This may be achieved by helping with a specific aspect of their life (accommodation, hygiene, education, employment, addiction) or with a complex overall situation. The objective of the intervention process as a whole is to minimise or even completely resolve social friction, or to prevent social friction happening in the first place through specific preventative measures.


A monthly meeting and pre-printed documentation, plus external and provider-specific services all make it easier to solve problems. The partnership with Caritas Jeunes et Familles, Caritas Accueil et Solidarité (CAS) and Asti, particularly the street work services described here, help the City of Luxembourg to attune the projects and services offered in the various city districts.


Streetwork: Inter-Actions

  • 6, Rue Auguste Charles
    L-1326 Luxembourg
    Tel.: 621 21 94 16

    621 33 07 27
    621 64 25 33
    661 64 25 33
    621 35 95 54