
Following the symposium entitled "L'ancien château 'La Fontaine' et son parc à Luxembourg-Clausen" held from 28 February to 1 March 2022 at Cercle Cité – which focused on the Château de Mansfeld and its surroundings – the scholarly work titled "Mansfeld revisited – L'ancien château de 'La Fontaine' et son parc à Luxembourg-Clausen. État de la recherche et perspectives d’avenir / Das ehemalige Mansfeld-Schloss und sein Areal in Luxembourg-Clausen. Forschungszustand und Perspektiven" was produced by the City's Service Urbanisme (Urban Planning Department) in close collaboration with Martin Uhrmacher of the University of Luxembourg's Institute of History.

The main objective of the symposium was to analyse and summarise the contributions of the various nationally and internationally renowned experts who attended in order to integrate these into a brief with the aim of enabling the City to identify possible ways in which this old castle, its gardens and the historical heritage of the Mansfeld site may be used or showcased in the near future, based on the current state of the historical, archaeological and architectural research carried out.