The Service Urbanisme (Urban Planning Department) consists of two divisions:

  • the Division Police des bâtisses (Building Supervision Division), which is responsible for building permits and providing information on the general development plan (plan d'aménagement general – PAG),
  • the Division Urbanisme et développement urbain (Urban Planning and Urban Development Division) is primarily tasked with managing the PAG, urban planning and development, and the preparation and coordination of urban projects, master plans (plans directeurs – PD), and special development plans (plans d'aménagement particuliers –PAP).
Meet at Schluechthaus


An extensive pre-works programme to promote and revitalise the Schluechthaus has been launched. The aim is to test out the ideas garnered during the civic outre…

Site du « Schluechthaus » en 1946

Architectural design competition

The City plans to revitalise the Schluechthaus site, which boasts an excellent location near major thoroughfares, several schools and the future "Porte de Holle…

autorisation de bâtir

Building permit

For construction works, extensions, renovations, alterations, demolitions, sheds, porch roofs, canopies, awnings, signs, fences along public roads, wells, water…

Développement urbain, concept et objectifs

Concept and objectives

Urban planning: background, objective, concept and procedures

Image de personnes assis autour d'une table en discutant

Development of public spaces through civic engagement – Placemaking

Public spaces are supposed to be for all to use. Therefore, everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to discussions on the development of these spaces…

deux mains pointant sur un plan

General development plan (PAG)

The general development plan outlines the future use of a plot (e.g. zoning: accommodation, offices, businesses or green spaces), and determines the size limits…

Ville de Luxembourg

Grant for works to protect heritage assets

Grant for preservation, conservation, restoration or renovation works on buildings located in a "built environment – C" protected area of community interest.

Image de personnes assis autour d'une table en discutant

Ideation Lab

The event brought together residents, entrepreneurs and association representatives to jointly develop innovative solutions to improve their respective neighbou…

Mansfeld revisited - livre

Mansfeld revisited

Scholarly work produced under the direction of the City's Service Urbanisme in close collaboration with Martin Uhrmacher of the Institute of History of the Univ…

boîte aux lettres

Minor works and construction

The following works and construction, which are minor and do not fall within the scope of a building permit or statement of work according to Article 57.3 of th…

Image de pris par un drone donnant vue sur le Pont Adolphe enveloppé dans de la verdure lors du mois de juin.

Online survey on the city's 24 districts

By taking part, you will help us to determine ways to improve daily life in your district.

Porte ouverte Schluechthaus 2022

Open days

The City of Luxembourg regularly hosts "Meet at Schluechthaus" open days at the Old Slaughterhouse in Hollerich. These events feature a host of activities, work…

Grand-rue - Ville de Luxembourg

Opening a shop or business

Resources available when opening a business or shop, placement of signs, interior and exterior fixtures (awnings and terraces), and related municipal regulation…


Other applications

Application forms to request a certificate proving municipal protection status, a copy of building plans, and a certificate stating the year in which a building…


Other useful links

Civil Code; Land Registry and Topography Administration (Administration du cadastre et de la topographie); National Roads Administration (Administration des pon…

PAP « approuvés »

Tableau des plans d’aménagement particulier (PAP) dûment approuvés par le Ministre.

Place de l'étoile

Place de l’Étoile

Ville-Haute: The urban development concept for Place de l'Étoile, a three-hectare site located close to the city centre.

document de règlementations


Building regulations, special conditions for conservation areas and listed building groups (ensembles sensibles), and related regulations.

Relevé complet des PAP en vigueur

Le présent tableau inclut tous les PAP « approuvés », les modifications y relatives ainsi que les PAP « nouveau Quartier » en vigueur.

Présentation laureat concours schluechthaus


Hollerich: The City plans to revitalise the Schluechthaus site, which boasts an excellent location near major thoroughfares, several schools and the future "Por…

Illustration PAP Grossfeld ZM Sud îlots D et E

Special development plan (PAP)

The purpose of a special development plan is to clarify and implement the general development plan, while adhering to the method and degree of land use specifie…

Jardins de Luxembourg - Maquette

STADePARK - Team 196971

formulaire et un stylo

Statement of work

For major indoor maintenance, facade restoration and roof repair.

Subdivision (formerly fragmentation)

Any owner of a plot of land that can be built on immediately (regardless of whether this land has existing structures) who intends to break the land up into mul…

Maquette Wunnquartier Stade

Winners of the urban planning competition

The selection committee of the urban planning competition unanimously agreed on the proposal that will form the basis for the "Wunnquartier Stade" development p…

Wunnquartier Stade Test

Wunnquartier Stade

Belair: Urban planning competition for the development of the site currently occupied by the Josy Barthel Stadium, and surrounding areas along Route d'Arlon. ​