
Civic engagement process: since September 2014; process ongoing

Project execution: since June 2015

End of works: spring of 2024

Description of the issue/project

The works are subdivided into several phases.

During the first phase in 2015, the playground was extended and the area around the social centre upgraded.

Pending a proposal for permanent upgrade works, the temporary works on the section of the street between Rue du Commerce and Avenue de la Liberté – which were discussed at the civic engagement meeting at the end of 2019, and completed at the beginning of 2020 – included the installation of terraces and has already led to a reduction in road traffic.

Permanent upgrade works on Rue de Strasbourg, between Place Merkels and Avenue de la Liberté, are currently being considered. The project put forward by the City of Luxembourg, based on ideas and suggestions proposed at previous civic engagement meetings, was discussed on 31 March 2021. The project will now be updated based on the comments made at that meeting.

Another meeting was be held in on 27 January 2022 Information on what was discussed will be made available here soon.

Next steps

  • February 2022: Project presented to the college of aldermen
  • February 2022: Project presented to the committee for technical services and energy
  • February 2022: Project presented to the municipal council
  • Projected timeline of 2 months for processing and approval by the Ministry of Home Affairs
  • End of April 2022:Request for proposals, EU-wide submission, Book II, 35 days
  • 20 days:Evaluation of proposals and other requests
  • 10 days:Potential complaints of vendors
  • 21 days:Time allocated to vendor after order is sent
  • September 2022: Commencement of works
  • Spring 2024: End of works (Execution of works: 1.5 full-time equivalent totalling 60 hours/week)

Project launched by

Local residents

Before / after (playground)

Photos from civic engagement meetings

Contact details

Contact details

Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés (EFM)

Petit Passage
9, rue Chimay
L-2090 Luxembourg