
Civic engagement: information session on 13 July 2022

Description of the project

Project to redevelop Rue St Ulric and Place St Ulric and Op der Schmëdd squares.

Development proposal

Op der Schmëdd

  • Meeting area (20)
  • Development of a genuine square with removable street furniture
  • Development with new stairs and benches for seating

Rue St Ulric

  • Zone 30 (pavement maintenance) or meeting area (20, no pavements)

If zone 30:

  • Upgrade to bus stop after the plateau
  • Addition of four trees and pedestrian walkway on the plateau to improve pedestrian links to the Alzette

Place St Ulric

  • Meeting area (20)
  • Development of the square to make the remains of the church and the surrounding wall visible
  • Construction of a second bridge alongside the existing bridge for a cycle lane
  • Installation of a flood prevention system
  • Plateau to end on Rue de Prague

Next steps

The next steps will be outlined here in due course.

Project launched by

City of Luxembourg