
Civic engagement: October 2016 – April 2017

Project completion date: September 2017

Description of the issue/project

Installation of attractive street furniture and removal of gravel.

The main works included:

  • replacing gravel surfaces with Ecosol surfacing;
  • installing a pétanque green (12 m × 3 m);
  • installing 8 "Viena"-style seating/reclining elements;
  • installing a public bookcase ("Bichershaf");
  • replacing existing benches with 4 benches with fixed backrests placed side-by-side along the fence of the high school, and 2 benches with adjustable backrests placed near the pétanque green;
  • installing 4 picnic tables with 8 benches;
  • installing 3 stand-up tables with 11 stools;
  • installing a table-tennis table;
  • installing 2 tables and chairs: one equipped for chess, and the other for nine men's morris;
  • installing display equipment on the fence of the high school for exhibitions; and
  • installing (on a temporary basis) a piano as part of the "My Urban Piano" project.

A project launched by

The Lampertsbierger Syndicat

Before / after

Contact details

Contact details

Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés (EFM)

Petit Passage
9, rue Chimay
L-2090 Luxembourg